Zúme Training

Zúme Training is an on-line and in-life learning experience designed for small groups who follow Jesus to learn how to obey His Great Commission and make disciples who multiply.
Training Image

Zúme consists of 10 sessions, 2 hours each:

Video and Audio to help your group understand basic principles of multiplying disciples.
Group Discussions to help your group think through what’s being shared.
Simple Exercises to help your group put what you’re learning into practice.
Session Challenges to help your group keep learning and growing between sessions.

Want to start the training?

It's as easy as 1-2-3

 Sign up

 Invite some friends

 Host a training

What others are saying?

“Zúme will help us accelerate our training into more countries and languages.”

“Zúme is a helpful way to filter for faithful people that can spread quickly and conserve training bandwidth.”

“Zúme is a wonderful on-ramp for our coalition.”

“Zúme brilliantly encapsulates the principles in our introductory training.”

“The principles and life practices packed into the Zúme disciple-multiplication training course have enormous potential to impact not only the USA but also, as the course is translated into 34 other languages, the world as well.”

“Zúme is a valuable tool for many of our member organizations to use in engaging new people groups.”

Our OM teams increasingly use Zume themselves and with those we mobilize and partner with around the world. The key principles, effective practices and its availability in multiple languages make it a great tool as we seek to be increasingly faithful and effective workers in His harvest fields. I have personally used the tools I learned through Zume to share the Gospel with others.